Beds 4 Kidz

We all have to eat.  How about putting your money where you mouth is literally, for a great cause. Beds 4 Kidz is an organation right here in the Duke City that provides clean, gently used beds for people in need.

And now a local restaurant has stepped up and agreed to donate 100% of the days sales to the organization. Our favorite Weatherman Steve Stucker founded the mission just a short time ago that has already helped over 2000 kids, parents, and grandparents into a bed of their own.

"I have been stunned at how many people are sleeping on their floors at night...or 3-4-5 to a bed! Pregnant women, little kids, the disabled, hard working moms and dads...they all need something decent to sleep on."

Steve Stucker, Ministry Founder

In a time when we are inundated with bad news, let's do our part to help.

Hello Deli is open from 5:30am to 2:30pm.

Click Here for directions.

Hope to see you out there!
